Camden County Aggravated Assault Defense Lawyer
Facing assault charges can be an unsettling and anxiety-producing experience. What may have began as a simple disagreement escalated to the point where a physical confrontation occurred, someone was injured and now you are facing serious criminal charges.
It is imperative that your rights are well-defended in such a situation. Without skilled and experienced representation, you can find yourself suffering very serious consequences.
Assault charges are divided into two separate charges:
- Simple assault – These charges often stem from a fight or some other mutual dispute.
- Aggravated assault – There are many ways that a simple assault can elevate to an aggravated assault, including the level of harm the victim has suffered, reckless use of a deadly weapon, extreme indifference to the value of human life, pointing a firearm at another person, committing a simple assault on anyone within certain protected classes such as law enforcement, firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) providers.
AV Preeminent Rated* Criminal Defense Against Assault Charges
At Hagner & Zohlman, LLC, we are committed to offering our clients the exceptional criminal defense representation that they need to be able to ensure that their rights are fully defended against simple and aggravated assault charges. We have more than 50 years of combined litigation experience that allows us to fight for our clients in even the toughest cases.
Attorney John Zohlman is a former prosecutor who has a proven track record of helping his clients secure the best possible resolution to their case. In addition to being AV Preeminent rated* by Martindale-Hubbell’s peer review rating system, he has been included on the list of Super Lawyers by New Jersey Monthly Magazine from 2004 to the present.
Contact The New Jersey Assault Defense Attorneys Of Hagner & Zohlman, LLC
If you or a loved one is facing assault charges, you need to take action to secure the resolution you need. Let our highly effective criminal defense attorneys build the case you need. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Camden County simple assault lawyers, call 856-320-5322 or contact us online.